The Recovery Curriculum

Using physical activity and mindfulness to protect well-being

What is the Recovery Curriculum...?

Professor Barry Carpenter has developed the Recovery Curriculum, as a response to a loss of routine, structure, friendship, opportunity, and freedom

Professor of Mental Health in Education at Oxford Brookes University. 

Below is a link to his podcast on the Recovery Curriculum.

The Recovery Curriculum and physical activity

The Recovery Curriculum supports schools in reintegrating children back into school life, acknowledging the experiences the children have had.  We want children to be happy, feel safe and be engaged in their learning, with physical activity playing a vital role in this process. Embedding increased opportunities for children to be physically active as part of our teaching across all subjects will be crucial in recovery. This will help ensure our children feel safe and secureemotionally stimulatedphysically active, and mentally prepared for both the short and long term challenges ahead. 

The Recovery Curriculum commonly uses these 5 ‘levers’ as a framework for helping children back into school life…

  • Lever 1: Relationships – being proactive in our approach…reaching out, welcoming children back to lessons with enthusiasm and warmth
  • Lever 2: Community – listen to experiences in order to understand, and adapt sessions, whilst sensitively resuming learning at a realistic pace
  • Lever 3: Transparent curriculum – how do we address the learning gaps? Consult and co-construct with children to enable ownership and belonging of PA
  • Lever 4: Metacognition – reintegrate the skills of learning in a PE lesson environment, rebuild confidence in our youngest and most vulnerable learners 
  • Lever 5: Space – allowing children time, opportunity, and exploration to rediscover themselves and their pathways for learning 

Our ‘Back to Life’ programme

In order for children to rekindle social networks, re-establish their self confidence, and boost well-being Sporting Chance have developed the ‘Back to Life’ programme. Back to Life will be live from April 2021, available for schools to purchase as a standalone supplement or as part of an existing package. The programme aims to support pupils transition back into school and education, utilises physical activity, mindfulness, and well-being sessions as vital tools in supporting healthy bodies and healthy minds. 

  • Pupil surveys - creating a sense of ownership and belonging of core topics 

  • Movement and Music sessions - exercise sessions with music 

  • Active Family Clubs - supporting our most vulnerable families and SEND

  • Staff PA sessions - bespoke PA sessions to boost morale and maintain a healthy team!

  • Healthy bodies, Healthy minds workshops - help to stay healthy; physically, mentally, and emotionally

  • Bitesize Yoga sessions - mindfullness, reflection, and a supporting child well-being

Get in Touch

Contact us to find out how we can support your school with the 'Back to Life' Programme. 

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