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Lyde Green Primary Terms 5 & 6

Sporting Chance provide a range of extra-curricular clubs for children in EYFS, KS1 and KS2. Our excellent team of coaches aim to inspire, develop, and engage your children in additional sporting opportunities beyond the school day. During terms 5 & 6 we will be providing brand new After School Clubs (EYFS and KS1 3-415pm and KS2 315-430pm). SIGN UP to give your child a 'Sporting Chance..!'

What you need to know...

Term 5 & 6 clubs will start week commencing 25th April and finish week ending 22nd July - 12 weeks excluding half term. Note: Friday 17th June is an Inset day and Friday 22nd July - 10 weeks. At your first session please bring with you a drink, appropriate clothing (PE kit or spare clothes) and footwear (trainers), a rain jacket (outdoor clubs), a water bottle, and any necessary medication.

Secure your space by booking online

Once you have signed up and paid you are guaranteed a space. You do not have to wait to be told your child has a place, the online system automatically manages the volume of spaces available for each club. Payment can be made on the website (debit or credit card) or via bank transfer. We DO NOT currently accept childcare vouchers for Lyde Green Clubs. 

What does it cost?

After School Clubs are £4.50 per session. Clubs are booked and paid for in advance of the term. Booking multiple clubs? Book 2 clubs and save £5.00, book 3 clubs save £7.50. This offer applies to multiple clubs and/or children in the same family. 

Pick ups and drop offs...

All children attending clubs should meet in the school hall. If your child is in Reception or year 1 they will be escorted to the meeting point to change. After the club has finished children are to be collected from the main entrance of the school by their named adult at the alotted time. If pick up arrangements change on any particular week then you must contact us directly giving detail of the named person collecting your child(ren).

Lyde Green Primary Terms 5 & 6

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About the clubs...

Tuesdays 3-415pmY1-2 Football: Football club includes skill based activities such as dribbling, close control, passing, shooting, attacking, defending, shielding the ball, and matchplay. 

Wednesdays 315-430pm Y2-6 Tennis The club will focus on learning the basics of tennis, and support the development of agility, balance, and coordination. Key skills: ground strokes, serving, volleying, tactics, and match play.

Thursdays 315-430pm Y3-6 Multisports is a host of different sports througout the term; tennis, cricket, rounders, athletics, football, tag rugby, basketball, pop-lacrosse, basketball, survival skills, netball, and dodgeball.

Fridays 315-430pm Recpetion-Y2 Supertars Multisports is packed full of a varierty of sports / activiites throughout the term; team building and leadership games, mini-tennis, kwik cricket, rounders, mini-olympics, basketball, football, tag rugby, survival skills, jungle gym, and dodgeball. Note: Friday 17th June is an Inset day and no session Friday 22nd July - Club runs for 10 weeks

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