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Kings Oak Acorn: After School Clubs (RESUME 8TH MARCH)

What you need to know...

Clubs restart week commencing 8th March and run every school day until Thursday 1st April 2021 inclusive. All clubs will now continue from Monday 8th March, allowing us to complete the term 2 programme. The clubs will run from 8th March for the rest of term 4 (excl. Friday 2nd April - Good Friday). For full dates see below...

Revised dates for term 2 clubs...

Mondays Yr 5 Multi-sports 250 - 350pm 8, 15, 22 MARCH (3 more sessions)

Tuesdays Yr 4 Dodgeball 240 - 340pm - 9, 16, 23 MARCH (3 more sessions)

Wednesdays Yr 1 Superstars 240 - 340pm - 10, 17, 24 MARCH (3 more sessions)

Thursdays Yr 3 Multi-sports 230 - 330pm - 11, 18, 25 MARCH, 1 APRIL (4 more sessions)

Fridays Yr 2 Football 250 - 350pm - 12, 19, 26 MARCH (3 more sessions)*

*Friday Yr 2 Football was due to have 4 more sessions, as we only have 3 more Fridays (12th, 19th, and 26th March) a refund for one session will processed.

In the event of extremely poor weather...

Clubs will happen outside where possible so please ensure your children have proper clothing to wear in the event of damp cold weather. For example, long jogging bottoms and a warm waterproof coat.

If the weather does not permit the club to happen outside, we will be doing alternative activities inside. Indoor activities will be conducted in line with COVID guidance. These activities will range from; New age kurling, Boccia, Skittles, Boules, and Quiots.  

SPACES still available for clubs...

Mondays Yr 5 Multi-sports^ 250 - 350pm 10 SPACES

Tuesdays Yr 4 Dodgeball 240 - 340pm 5 SPACES

Wednesdays Yr 1 Superstars** 240 - 340pm FULLY BOOKED

Thursdays Yr 3 Multi-sports^ 230 - 330pm 6 SPACES

Fridays Yr 2 Football 250 - 350pm FULLY BOOKED

If pick up arrangements change on any particular week then you must contact us directly giving detail of the named person collecting your child(ren). At your first session please bring with you a drink, appropriate clothing and footwear (pe kit/trainers), a rain jacket (outdoor clubs), and any necessary medication. After School Clubs are £4.50 per session.. Clubs are booked and paid for in advance. 

**Superstars is a variety of sports and activities throughout the term - including a range of mini tennis, cricket, team building games, rounders, athletics, football, tag rugby, basketball

^Multi-sports Club is a combination of different sports throughout the term to give children a flavour of evrything! Includes; football, tag rugby, netball, cricket, tennis, dodgeball, basketball, survivial skills

IMPORTANT: Please do let us know if your child is not attending the club for any particular reason on any given day throughout the term or if the person collecting your child is not the named adult on your booking form -

Paying by childcare vouchers...? 

Sporting Chance is an Ofsted voluntary registered childcare provider for After School Provision at Kings Oak Acorn. You can be confident in our service in offering safe, well catered for, and engaging activities for your children. Please book via the website and select 'ALTERNATIVE PAYMENT OPTION' at checkout, making reference to childcare vouchers in the notes. Then follow this link 'Childcare Voucher Schemes' to locate scheme details for making payment.

Ofsted setting reference number: 2625174: Sporting Chance KOA

Any parent or carer can submit a complaint to Ofsted at any time. Ofsted will consider and investigate all complaints. Ofsted’s address is: Ofsted, Piccadilly Gate, Store Street, Manchester M1 2WDTelephone: 0300 123 1237 (general enquiries) 0300 123 4666 (complaints)

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