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Keep it 'COVID SAFE' is our motto for ensuring we are doing all we can to protect our staff, visitors and of course the children. Watch the short video clip to see how we can keep it COVID SAFE. 

Sporting Chance -  PE & Sports Provision

COVID 19 guidelines for staff, visitors, and children

1. Carried out a COVID 19 risk assessment 

Before restarting work we have carried out a Covid 19 risk assessment. This assessment has been relayed to all stakeholders:

  • carrying out a risk assessment in line with the HSE guidance and relayed to all staff 
  • sharing the results of the risk assessment upon request with customers (parents / carers)
  • children are given a daily briefing driven by the results of ongoing risk assessment and latest government advice

2. Developed cleaning, handwashing and hygiene procedures

We have increased the frequency of handwashing and surface cleaning by:

  • encouraging children to follow the guidance on hand washing and hygiene - as part of our daily briefing (use visual aids)
  • providing hand sanitiser where appropriate around the workplace, in addition to handwashing
  • frequently cleaning and disinfecting objects in use - sports equipment, camp lead to facilitate this
  • enhancing cleaning for busy areas such as registration. Photographic registration now in operation to allow for non-touch socially distanced sign in / out procedure 
  • setting clear use and cleaning guidance for toilets
  • providing hand drying facilities – either paper towels or electrical dryers 

3. Maintain 2m social distancing and use of face coverings 

Where possible, we will maintain 2m between staff, visitors, and children by:

  • putting up signs and verbal reminders to workers and visitors of social distancing guidance
  • avoiding sharing work space / playing areas / equipment until cleaned 
  • using floor tape or cones to mark areas to help people (visitors) keep to a 2m distance
  • arranging one-way traffic through the workplace where possible or necessary

Wear face coverings (where appropriate) to reduce transmission between all stakeholders:

  • all staff to wear face coverings in transition 
  • all visitors to wear a face covering at drop off and collection times unless exempt

4. Where people cannot be 2m apart, manage transmission risk

Where it’s not possible for people to be 2m apart, we will  do everything practical to manage the transmission risk by:

  • considering whether an activity needs to continue eg running alternative sessions or activities 
  • having regular breaks between activities 
  • staff and children to avoid having physical contact (touch) with others where at all possible (including children’s belongings - coats, lunch boxes etc)
  • using barriers or safe distances to separate people from each other where possible - registration left at table 
  • masks and gloves to be worn for first aid management 
  • activities should be outdoors where possible - indoor time to be kept to a minimum 
  • using back-to-back or side-to-side working whenever possible
  • staggering arrival and departure times where possible
  • reducing the number of people each person has contact with by using ‘fixed teams or partnering’ - children will be kept in age related groups (bubbles) each day with the same member of staff (where possible)

Full risk assessment avaialble from downloads folder 

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